Sunday, July 15, 2012

Baking with Yeast Dough

I have a love/hate relationship with yeast dough.  I love items like bread, cinnamon rolls, and the such, but yeast dough can be so temperamental.

Don't those look heavenly?!?!?

Yesterday I discovered this fabulous recipe that is pretty much fool proof! This one is for cinnamon rolls.

9 c. flour2/3 c. sugar1 1/2 c. water - warm4 eggs, beaten1 1/2 c. milk, scalded2 tsp. salt2 pkg. yeast

By scaled milk, it means heat it until it's about 115 - 120 degrees.  This is VERY important, because that's what helps it react with the yeast.  Get a thermometer for food if you don't have one.  It will help quite a bit. 

Put flour into large Tupperware bowl. Mix other ingredients in another bowl. Make well in flour; pour in ingredients and seal lid - "burp." Let rise until lid pops off. Add 2 sticks butter (melted); mix well and seal lid - "burp." Let rise until lid pops off.

On floured board, knead lightly. Roll out. Spread butter, sugar and cinnamon. Slice into rolls. Place in greased 9 x 13 inch pan. Let rise. Bake at 375 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.

Really.  That's it.  No "punching down" or greasing bowls or anything like that.  The lid really does pop off.  I didn't use a Tupperware brand bowl, but my lid still popped off.

This does make a gooier dough than a traditional kneaded dough.  It will stick to your fingers and the bowl, but it really does bake up beautifully.

If you like raisins, them in.  If you want to make raisin bread, just divide it into smaller sections and still roll it up like it does for the cinnamon roll, then place it in a loaf pan and bake.  

It is so easy.  For the first time I had no problems with baking with yeast.  

Bake on friends.  Bake on!


  1. Hi Kelly, I NEED to make a couple of "crucial" comments here. I bake yeast breads ALL the time and have not had any problems for a looooong time. The one key thing most people do that causes their dough to fail to rise is put the yeast in liquid that is too hot. I agree that it is really important to heat the milk to 115-120 b/ it deactivates the amylase and allows better rising, but theMOST important thing is to let the milk cool b4 adding the yeast. I always let it cool to room temp. Also, fermenting the dough longer @ a cooler temp improves the flavor exponentially! Sorry, I HAD to comment.

  2. Thanks for the comment! I have always struggled with yeast dough. I know you are an amazing bread baker, even though you've never shared with me, because I've heard about it from our mutual daughter. I'll take any tips!! This recipe is one of the rare times I haven't had issues.
